Phone: 216-687-3808
Email: m.wilhite@csuohio.edu
Myrita Wilhite, AuD, CCC-A has been an audiologist for over 30 years. Dr. Wilhite is currently the Chair of the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department. She is passionate about teaching audiology and keeps her clinical skills sharp by mentoring students in audiology and aural rehabilitation practica as well as providing direct clinical services in the on campus Speech and Hearing Clinic.
Myrita is a firm believer in life-long learning. She earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Cincinnati and a Master’s Degree in Audiology from Cleveland State University. She earned a Doctor of Audiology degree in 2009 from A.T. Still University and is currently in the dissertation phase of a research doctorate in Urban Education with a specialty in Learning and Development at Cleveland State University.
Myrita feels very fortunate to have found her calling in communication sciences and disorders. She is excited about actively engaging in scholarship, and guiding the Communication Sciences and Disorders Program to fulfill its mission. Myrita is continually energized and inspired by her clients, students, colleagues and professors at CSU.